aro Lands Five Digital Marketing and Public Relations Projects at the beginning of 2015. Clients include: Parsons Summa (Law Firm), Simons Chiropractic, IT Firm Netsafe Solutions, A Handbook for Life Seminars and Magneceutical Health.
Online, February 19, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Since 2008 businesses of all types have been challenged economically and small businesses have really been through the ringer. "The business of marketing has completely changed in the last 10 years and adapting to that change has been a real test in flexibility," said aro owner for 21 years, Chuck Robbins. "It is a great accomplishment for us to start 2015 with this kind of momentum," he continued.
The success of aro in the past few months can be attributed to using the same tools aro provides for their clients for ourselves. Social Media Content on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest have all driven growth in the Fourth Quarter. The projects, though all in the aro "wheelhouse", are different in each case:
Parsons Summa. aro had worked with attorney Phil Summa on and off for many years at a different firm. When Kevin Parsons and Phil decided to combine their practices under one roof, aro was chosen to build their website and then create some public relations around the new firm. In the last 30 days aro has managed to drive 10 times the normal web traffic and added some earned media placements for a new staffer. parsonssumma.com/
A Handbook for Life Seminars. Richard London, Founder has worked with aro since 2009. London is concentrating on his strategy for 2015 and how to manage his ongoing public relations efforts. aro has constructed media databases and is currently pitching various story ideas as well as managing his web activity. www.ahandbookforlife.com/
Simons Chiropractic. When aro was first approached. There were prominent web issues. The Simons website was completely off line and they were introducing an important new Therapy to their practice. aro got their existing web site back live in 24 hours and then built them a new site over the next 60 days featuring the new equipment. www.dirksimons.com/
Netsafe Solutions. aro engaged with George Hayner and Derek Schott originally to build a better Social Media Strategy. Their current website did not contain any content that reflected the Netsafe philosophy or it's personality. We refreshed the web content and are about to build a new social media strategy around that content which ties the owner's interest in triathlons to Netsafe's delivery. www.netsafesolutions.com/
Finally, Magneceutical Health has chosen aro to implement their Quick2Brand campaign for a crowdsourcing project to raise money for Military Veterans struggling with Pain or PTSD. The Indiegogo crowdsource campaign launched on January 29, 2015. and has been one of the biggest successes since the debut of the Quick2Brand product 5 years ago.
The campaign, just barely three weeks old has received 189,000 views of the aro Newsblast, over 4500 full page reads, 1700 web visits, and is already 52% funded. www.prweb.com/releases/HalosforHeroes/01/prweb12445838.htm
aro has 3 people and uses multiple sub contractors, many of whom have worked with the company for 20 years plus. For more information contact Chuck Robbins or visit consultaro.com Clients have included Joe Gibbs Racing, A Handbook for Life, Viance, The Ultimate Gift, Panamonte Brands, Metropolitan Ballroom, Maverick Entrepreneurs, Simons Chiropractic, The Johnson Group and more. For shorter consulting calls you can schedule a call with Robbins directly at: clarity.fm/chuckrobbins
Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/aro2015clients/Quick2Brand/prweb12404766.htm